
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Vegan Fast Food- Burger and "Fries"

I don't know about everyone else but these long holiday weekends always seem to throw me off my game- time wise. Up front, it feels like extra time, like to start a project but in reality it becomes a time crunch as the week starts again but this time we've lost a day and are already playing catch up.

This is what happened to me. I took on a design project thinking it would be a quick turn around but there are always surprises in design. Add to that extra stress, a sudden illness in the house and I've worn myself down and am found playing catch up for the week here on Sunday.

So today in honor of the days that catch you off guard and when we used to resort to fast food, I am sharing a vegan fast food meal, burgers and "fries" or actually baked seasoned potatoes. This served as our Memorial Day lunch as well so it's still fitting to squeak in this week. At least that's what I'm going with here.

Next week it's back to the soups, I promise as we really need those handy ready to eat healthy meals.

California Veggie Burger and "Fries"

A vegan veggie burger, topped with fresh spinach, tomato, caramelized onions and mushrooms with a raw red pepper hummus on a whole wheat bun.

We have been searching for a good veggie burger to keep on hand for "emergencies" and this one is our favorite so far.

It's Vegan so it's free from eggs, no GMO, low fat and salt and made from lots of real veggies.

Here is the ingredient list:

Carrots, Onions, String Beans, Oat Bran, Soybeans, Zucchini, Peas, Broccoli, Corn, Soy Flakes, Spinach, Expeller Pressed Canola Oil, Red Peppers, Arrowroot, Corn Starch, Garlic, Corn Meal, Salt, Parsley, Black Pepper

What I like about this so far besides the taste is that I can recognize all the natural ingredients( as it says on the package.) It's not perfect as I see soy, oil and salt and also it's not gluten free, (they do offer one that is, just not at our store) but compared to the other boxes I've read this one beats the others hands down for nutrition. Also they are not rubbery in consistency but flavorful and very filling.

It's not an everyday meal by any means but in a pinch or when fighting off the cravings for the old sandwich it fills in nicely and can be kept in the freezer.

So here is what we pulled together:

For the Burger Fixings:

Whole wheat buns, caramelized onions and mushrooms, sliced tomato, fresh baby spinach, a little organic ketchup, Bragg's organic sprinkle and the red pepper hummus.

Red Pepper Hummus (no bean, raw)

The recipe is adapted from the beautiful book by Judita Wignall Raw and Simple. This is a great hummus with everything and one of our favorites. 
I must say, I LOVE her books! Keep your eyes open because I even plan to do a giveaway of one coming up here soon.


1 cup seeded and chopped red bell pepper
1/2 cup tahini- raw and unsalted is always best (online ordering might be best option.)
1/4 cup lemon juice ( I had Meyer's lemons still on the trees- that's why they look sort of orangish) 
3 tablespoons hemp seeds
3 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of water, or more if needed
1 teaspoon of cumin
1/2 teaspoon of paprika
pinch of cayenne to taste

Blend all in high speed blender until well combined. Add more water if need to get the right consistency.

Seasoned New Potatoes (fries)

I adapted this from Rip Esselstyn's video, Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue where he showed someone how to make these in their home. Super easy!


New potatoes, quartered
low sodium veggie broth
Bragg's Organic Sprinkle (a no salt seasoning.)

Place potatoes in a bowl
Splash a little broth over them, enough to moisten
Sprinkle with seasoning and toss well to coat.

Toss in a roasting pan for 30 minutes in the oven on 400, turning periodically as they brown. When they sort of puff up, they are ready.

Meanwhile, heat up your "burger"as per package instructions.

Splash a little of the veggie broth in a hot pan to saute up the onions and mushrooms.

Toast your buns, slather on the hummus and build your burger to your liking. Add in some potatoes and Voila! You've got yourself a very filling and tasty meal full of vegetables.

I hope you all had a great week and are getting yourself back on track if you had a week like mine recovering from the holiday. What are some of your favorite quick and easy meals? Do you have a favorite veggie burger that's low sodium and fat that also tastes great? I'd love to learn more.

My June Challenge:

On a personal note, I'm about to really up my game in terms of nutrition. I'm challenging myself to go strictly veg and fruit and low fat (nuts and seeds) for a while, probably 6 weeks.  I want to really break the sweet cravings and also get all the gluten and salt out. So there will be a healthier focus coming up. More raw smoothies, salads and nutrient dense soups and less packaged/ processed. 

How about you? Ready to up your game? Follow a long. Summer is here so there's no better time to indulge in all the wonderful fruits and produce available. It just feels right to eat cleaner this time of year. Doesn't it?

Until next time…

Find us on Facebook here, Follow on Pinterest here, and See what we're up to on Instagram here.


  1. Love this! I use a Chipotle black bean burger by Morningstar Farms and it is delicious but probably not legal, lol! I just threw one in the convection oven and I top it with avocado slices and tomato on a plate. No bun because I have none but your pics looked so good I am just going with what I have. I am going to give the Praeger burgers a try! Thanks for the great blogpost as usual :)

    1. Thanks Marjorie!
      Your avocado sounds good as well as the burger. I am working on making one from scratch eventually to be in better control of the ingredients but for now, this one is pretty tasty.

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