
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fresh Fruit Vanilla Creme Tart with Chocolate Brownie Crust

We are interrupting our regularly scheduled Super Soup Sunday to bring you a festive Memorial Day dessert idea. It's also a departure from my low fat, sugar free and salt free recipes because it's a special occasion and this favorite recipe is really just too luscious not to share. Plus it's better to share so you don't eat it all by yourself. It's a raw dessert (shhhh!) I guarantee your non raw or even non health conscious friends and family will definitely appreciate this fresh fruit tart with a dark chocolatey brownie crust.

It's to live for! 

Plus it's just a beautiful dessert anyway you decorate it.

The Chocolate Brownie Crust

raw, vegan, dairy free, gluten free, soy free


1 1/4 cup medjool dates, soaked about 20 minutes and pitted- soft not soggy
1 cup almonds
3/4 cup cacao or unsweetened cocoa
1/3 cup cacao nibs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of sea salt

Process all the ingredients, except vanilla in a food processor until crumbly, scraping down sides as you go to keep it well mixed. Add the vanilla as it's processing. You want the mixture to stick together and hold when pinched between your fingers. Add a little water if necessary until it does. Be careful not to over process. You don't want chocolate almond butter.

When the crust is ready, lightly coat the bottom of a tart pan with a little coconut oil and press the mixture into the bottom and up the sides.

By now you probably have noticed I love kitchen gadgets, even in my tiny kitchen. Just like in interior design and construction, the right tool makes for a better job and these are no exception.

When it comes to raw desserts, these are a couple of life savers:  A tart/quiche pan with a removable bottom. (just be careful- these edges are razor sharp!) Any shape is good. I even have little ones for individual tarts. Also this little wooden tart tamper for getting the crust pressed just right (believe me this little tool really saves your fingers.)

Set the crust pan into the freezer to firm up while making the creme.

Vanilla Creme Filling

raw, vegan, dairy free, gluten free, soy free


1 cup cashews, soaked 1-2 hours and drained
2/3 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup agave nectar
2 tablespoons of water
1 tablespoon of vanilla

Blend well until nice and creamy.

Pour into crust and spread around in a nice even layer. Return to freezer until well set.  Maybe an hour or so. When set, lift up the bottom plate carefully from the middle center to free the shell from the mold. There will still be a plate underneath just not around the sides- the beauty of the tart pan makes for easy serving.

Then decorate with fresh berries of your choice. In a pattern or….

… randomly. It looks deliciously inviting either way.

You can decorate right before ready to serve but make sure it has thawed a bit. Or decorate ahead of time. If you do it ahead of time, let it thaw about a half hour or so before serving so berries are not frozen. (Even the thought of biting into frozen berries makes my teeth hurt!) Keep in mind that coconut oil turns to liquid at around 75 degrees so it's better served slightly chilled and not left out in the sun.

Keep leftovers, if any, in the freezer.

I hope you try this one. It's pretty easy, always lovely, and better yet always enjoyed.

Please note: I was experimenting with my night lighting when taking these pictures, and some were even taken quite a few months back. So please forgive them not turning out so great. I'm getting there!

I'm going to be sharing this on both Healthy Vegan Fridays as well as Raw Food Thursdays.

If in the states, I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend. If you are elsewhere, why not celebrate anyway and make yourself a delicious tart?

Until next time….

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  1. Beautiful! You are so inspiring me! We just got back from Seattle and all the wonderful fresh produce at Pikes Place Market sent me over the edge!

    1. Thanks Melissa! Fresh markets are The bomb! Always love all the colors and the sight of fresh produce inspires. I think that's how it's supposed to be. Glad you are inspired.

  2. Jodi, I am in love with this tart! It's gorgeous, the ingredients are so so pure, and it screams "summer is here!!!" I'll be featuring this at Raw Foods Thursdays tomorrow. Thanks so much for linking it up!

    Also, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. You blog is wonderful and I want all of my readers to know it! No pressure to participate unless you have time and think it would be fun. You can read all about it at my post today.


    Have a great day!

  3. This tart looks AMAZING!!! It seems like the perfect summer dessert! I can't wait to try this recipe. Like tomorrow.... :)

  4. This tart looks so, so amazing!! I'm so glad I saw it over at Heather's Raw Food Thursdays event. :-) I love the look with the berries randomly assembled, too. ;-)

    Happy to be introduced to your blog, Jodi!

  5. This tart looks soooo yummy! I'm definitely making this for the 4th of July, if not sooner. : )

    1. Hi Susanne,
      Yes! It's perfect for the fourth or any special or non special occasion!
